Adult Farm School
Are you looking for a new date idea or outing with some friends?! Come join a Farm School!
Adult Farm Schools provide an opportunities for you to come out to the farm and enjoy some grown-up time, while learning hands-on! We typically have one Adult Farm School each season of the year. Some of last year's Farm Schools including learning on the Farm with an Apiarist, learning about Regenerative Farming, Goat Milking and Goat Cheese Making Workshop, & a chicken processing class. Invite a friend to join you, or make it a special outing with your youth! (Ages 13+ are welcome to join this class).
How long is Adult Farm School?
Adult Farm School are typically 2 hours, and may provide opportunities at the end to shop some local products made on the Farm.
I'm signed up for Farm what?!
Once you're signed up for Farm School on the sign-up genius link, you will receive an email 1-2 days prior to classes starting with more details. This will include the parking map (all parking is around the back circle), the 2024 liability form to complete and bring to class, farm tips, and the exact address in Valley Forge. You can click on the PDF image here to view the Farm Class tips now, but the biggest 2 things to remember...wear comfortable shoes for the farm (old sneakers or boots are recommended) and bring fresh fruit and veggies if you would like to feed the animals (banana peels, orange peels, carrot tops, and apple cores will all be loved and enjoyed!)
Feel free to email Farmer Michele with any questions prior to class starting!